Friday, March 25, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Podcasts Experience

I really like being able to use itunes.  I subscribed to Star Stuff with Stuart Gary because my students were studying space this last quarter.  The particular podcast that I listened to was NASA Discovers Baby Black Hole. 

I think that a lot of my students would enjoy being able to hear parts of it.  They would not be able to listen to something like this without pictures.  But I do like how podcasts have videos and you can watch some.  I think if I were going to have my students listen I would pick certain parts they could listen to and then make maybe a prezi to show my students the pictures.  I like how many podcasts are free.  This is a great tool for teachers to use in their classrooms.

I did not like how my technology was not working, therefore I am on my sister's computer listening.   But that is the just way technology is sometimes.

Movie Maker

I really enjoyed using movie maker, even though I had tech problems and all.  I made it about  my niece Olivia because she is such a huge part of my life. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

For my parents:

Welcome to Kindergarten
Dear Parents:
                Welcome to the exciting adventure that you and your child are about to experience!
  Welcome to Kindergarten!  My name is Mrs. Story, and I will be your child’s Kindergarten teacher this year.  This is my third year teaching.  I received my degree from Peru State College.  I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year.
                During the upcoming year, your child will have the opportunity to learn many new things.  These activities will contribute to growth in your child’s physical, emotional, and intellectual being.  However, I will not be able to help your child alone.  Each child benefits greatly from family support and encouragement. 
I would love for you to be an active team member in your child’s learning and for us to work together to provide the best possible education for your child.  Working together, we can help your child reach his or her best.
Therefore, I will be sending home letters to keep you informed of classroom activities.  I will also offer some ideas of what you can do at home to help your child.  Homework will be sent home each Monday in your child’s blue Belleaire Folder.  Homework is due on Friday of each week.  Please send your child’s homework back in his/her blue Belleaire Folder.  All other notes will be sent home in your child’s Responsibility Folder.  This folder must be returned to school each day.  Please use it to send lunch money, permission slips, or any other correspondence between home and school.  Please check this folder every night when your child comes home.  If you have any questions regarding the letters, feel free to contact me at school (293-4510).  I will return your call as soon as possible.
                Kindergarten begins promptly at 8:00 AM.  During the school year, we ask that your child wait outside until the bell rings at 7:55 AM.  School will end at 3:10 AM.   If you will be picking up your child from school, please plan to meet your child outside of the building.  If there are any changes to your child’s routine, please send a note to school to let us know.  If your child is ill, or if there is a family emergency, please call the school to let us know.  A written note must accompany your child upon his or her return explaining the absence. 
                Your child will be participating in P.E. at least twice a week and outside recesses.  Please help your child choose appropriate items to wear for the day (tennis shoes, hats, mittens).  Enclosed with this letter is a copy of my discipline plan.  Please read it carefully.  It explains my expectations for your child in Kindergarten.  I need your support of these expectations, and I need you to let your child know that you support these classroom rules and expectations.
                I will be keeping in touch with you all year long.  Please do the same with me.  Kindergarten is a great experience for children.  I will do my best to ensure that each child feels successful about himself/herself and his/ her accomplishments.
                                                                                                                             Let’s have a great year!
                                                                                                                                Mrs. Story